Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can we make my ba-donk-a-donk just a donk?

My large butt tries to eat everything in its path.  That's why I always have a wedgie, because my butt gets hungry and tries to eat my drawers.  Digging them out is no bueno.  How can we make my butt smaller and in turn...LESS HONGRY???  Boot Camp - HELP ME!

Last night was the first time I went to a workout at the SunSpot.  So this place is rad.  It's the most awesome tanning spot I've ever seen.  Unfortunately, I don't tan anymore.  Being in my 30's and gettin' my first odd mark on my face from the sun kinda killed my love for the yummy coconut smell mixed in with sweaty flesh.  There's a room in the back that we are using now that the weather is cold.  Audrey and I were actually talking about this and we really prefer working out inside.  While the fresh, cool air is nice, being inside and actually being able to feel yourself sweat, you just feel like you are working hard.  Sweat is gooood.  BTW-there's a bathroom.  I don't have to make random journeys to Village Inns or Albertsons :).

E-dawg did work on us.  What I love about E is that he really doesn't give a rat's hairy ball sac about how much I whine and complain.  No sympathy, just do it.  Which is awesome, because truly, I can do everything he's telling me to do, I'm just lazy.  My persuasive powers are null and void when it comes to that dude.  FINE!! 

Lots of cardio, which I'm so in need of, but I'm having a MAJOR issue with my lower body.  I haven't been sore on my lower half since we've started doing these boot camps.  We're doing exercises that are specifically targeting butt and legs, but I'm not getting that sore feeling.  I think I must be doing them wrong, but seriously, I've been squats since I was a wee Lady Panther, I know how to do squats.  Whatevs, Joe and E are gonna have to check me out on Monday to make sure I get it in.  My abs are retarded sore today though.  Even my FUPA is sore!  Love that, no woman wants a fupa, NO ONE!

Due to some massive vacation time build up that my company won't pay me for, or let me carry over to next year, I am now taking off every Friday for the rest of the year.  I need to work out when I get out of bed.  So I was thinking that I would add a Friday morning boot camp, but honestly, if I'm not already up on that end of town, I really have no desire to drive my butt all the way up there, roll myself back to the crib, ON MY EXTRA DAY OFF.  Yea, probably not going to happen.  I did buy that P90X like 6 months ago, maybe I'll open that package up and do one of those dvds on Friday.  We'll see.  Maybe Mr. Bean will get a workout on Fridays too.  Little fat boy needs it :).

Food.  Yea, so about that.....I suck!  So they do NOT have a dollar menu that includes anything that's good for me.  Oh wait, scratch that...I got a fruit and yogurt parfait from McDonalds.  Outside of that though, I'm totally effed in the a.  I really haven't been trying to eat that great either, I've gotten a bit bored of stuff that tastes so much the same.  I think I need to mix it up, I'm just not really sure how :(.  More help from Joe apparently.

My "holiday" party is coming, Audrey's already picking out skanky dresses for me to wear.  The stuff she's showing me will totally cause my cheeks to poke out the bottom cause they're so damned short.  But I'm going to wear a dress damn it.  And this bitch is gonna look supa fly, ya'll just wait!  And my mama's gonna be so proud! :)

Farewell til lates homiez!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ooooo mama needed that one!

Yo!  I got WORKED last night!  (all you perv-o's, hush it up). 

Last night's workout was AWESOME.  Big E-dawg cardio'd the crap out of us.  I really needed it.  I had been feeling like while I was toning my muscles, I was a little worried that I wasn't doing enough to get my cardio right.  Still sucking air after set 1 of playing vball was not improving.  I'm only doing the boot camp 2 days a week, so I'm also a bit concerned about that.  I need to do boot camp more, but we need to figure out the deets because there are only evening classes on Monday and Friday.  I already know that I can't go to the morning camps.  I can barely get up to get to work by 9 and I'm always the last one in the office.  I would set myself up for failure right from the start.

OK, funny story.  We all know I own a bladder the size of a pea.  Well I seem to have to tinkle right as I get there, no matter if I go before I leave to go workout.  I actually had to leave the park 8 minutes before we were starting, drive to Albertson's, tinkle, then hustle back.  Absolutely ridiculous.  I'm just gonna start using a catheter.

Circuits were set up before we got there, so I was sure we were doing WORK.  Started with warm up, abs, a bunch of other crap that made my body hurt.  Then came the effing suicides.  Seriously?  Why?  They make me wanna die.  Kill myself is more like it.  However, I told myself that no matter how much I hate them, I would not walk.  And I didn't!  Don't get me wrong, I was "running" so slow by the end that I may as well have been walking, but at least I was making the running motion! hahahahaha

Then 2 rounds of circuits.  I did my best and I most definitely got served.

Let me tell you what we did after circuits.  So I'm thinking yippy fricking skippy, we're gonna do some crunches and then it's outskies!  Oh hell no!  E dawg made us go back and do more cardio!  Skip jumps, you know, like you step and jump as high as you can in lay up form.  Seriously, when we started, I was actually jumping, but after like 30 seconds, I'm pretty sure my jump only consisted of my reaching up to my tippy toes and thinking I was coming off the ground.  Then butt kickers, which I've never really understood the reason for, but I can do those.  Then stupid ass squat jumps.  Again, no air between my feet and the ground....but in my head, I was SKYING like Michael Jordan!  Let me provide you with the lyrics that my dear, sweet Audrey starting to sing while we were suffering..ahem ahem...
"Oh somebody kill me please, somebody kill me pleeeeease, I'm on my knees, pretty pretty please, KILL MEE.  I want to die.  Put a bullet in my head!!"

Thank you, I'll be going to American Idol auditions soon.

Anyway, my upper abs and my obliques are on FIRE.  I definitely need a workout that is gonna work my donkey butt and dem big ole legs.  I'm soo ready for that burn!

Joe's having a pumpkin workout this Saturday morning.  Please check out his website at  If I read it correctly, I believe there is no cost, you just have to provide a canned food item for care and share.  You also need to bring a pumpkin.  Audrey said you can use her head as a pumpkin if you'd like :).

Love you guys!  I also see my baby cousin in San Diego is a follower.  What up Youri?!  Love ya cuz!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Boot camp went down last night and my fat tushy was ready for it.  We had abs and arms on the docket for last night though, so my tubby and flappers were up to bat!

Thank the sweet lord that Joe let us work out in the garage, I probably would have started crying if we had to play outside at the park.  Seriously, I play indoor sports dude, I only want to be outside if I'm baking in the sun, or whitewashing the crap outta someone in the snow.

My upper abs are burning and my arms are pretty sore.  Sucks because I'm going to play volleyball here in a bit and I'm hoping I can still get the ball up to the net when I serve :).  Pain is just weakness leaving your body! 

I had an epiphany (yes, I know a few words with more than 2 syllables) last night.  I am LAZY!!  When I went to work out last night, I was a bit unfocused.  Life, work, I forgot to wear my helmet yesterday, you know, the normal.  I could feel myself not giving 100%, which is something I don't really associate with myself regarding anything I have truly committed myself to doing.  What I have figured out is that I really need to take the same mental approach that I have when I play sports.  When I step in that gym, all other things have to be left "off the court".  If I don't, I'm only hurting myself and the committment I made to me when I decided to get in shape.  So regardless of if I have a trainer, even one as glorious as Joe, I still have to be responsible for myself and giving my all.  He can tell me exactly what to do, how to do it, but if I choose not to do it the best I can, then that's my loss.  Damn that stupid maturity crap.  Who said it was ok to be a grown up??

So this is probably the least funny post you kids will see from me.....because I'm EXHAUSTED and I have a headache.  I think my brain is actually oooozing out of my right ear...

Anyway more to come tomorrow.  Let's see if I can get focused and DO WORK SON!!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Seriously?? SERIOUSLY??

I tried to get into 4, that's right 4 pairs of jeans this morning before I could get one pair over my beefy thighs and my FAT ASS!


Monday night boot camp, I'm waiting to kick your ass.  I just hope it's's cold out today.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


No Mom Bea, this is not directed to you.  I'm talking about them luscious chunks of fat that live just beneath my arms and try to make me fly away when I wave at someone.  Technically, triceps, but what's the fun in that?

Let me just update you all, I MISSED MONDAY.  Yea, I missed my second workout.  I'm a loser!  But seriously, my sicky bf was super struggling with the flu (and a newly identified ulcer) and so I made the decision to put my fat killer on hold and get the sicky back on track.  He's just now finally feeling better.  Jeez.  Boys and sickness :)

Anywhoooooo.....last night worked the holy pooper out of my wings and my abacus (abs).  We got warmed up, did some abs, did some circuits and finished that bitch up!  I really liked our Billy Blanks Tae Bo moves, anytime I can yell out "NINJA CHOP" makes a good exercise.  And guess what??  NO SUICIDES!  I swear I did a freaking jig.  Regardless, my crap is sore.  My upper abs feel like I got beat up.  Know what's cool??  The little fat pieces right above my hips are sore!!  Holy crap batman!  I don't think I remember what it's like to have muscles there!  My wings are pretty sore, as well as that muscle between my neck and shoulders....not sure what those are called.  Audrey?  A little help please?

And guess what I did when I got home last night??  Honest to freaking God, I went and lifted my shirt up and checked out my tum in the mirror!! Hahahaha it was hilarious, but I SWEAR I saw a break in my keg.  SWEAR!

I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but you know that feeling when you are working out, and you are busting your sweet ass and struggling to get it done, but at the same just feels so GOOD to actually be doing something!  So while my fat ass is bobbing up and down and I'm trying to dig my big ole granny panties outta my crack...IT FEELS GOOD!!!  Other than the chafing : D

I am struggling with my diet, although I've been AMAZING compared to my usual.  Chic-fil-of-the-a is just so good!  I've only had it once since I started boot camp.  For some reason, all of the sudden I've been really short on time to eat for the last week.  Still working out my diet.  It's October 14 and normally by now, I would have already gone through at least 2 bags of Halloween candy.  I haven't even bought any!  Dem candy corns been calling my name though!!

Any of you ladies ready to join me and Snoop Audrey Audge yet?  Check out GI Joe's website:

Heart all of your gorgeous faces...

Jemper Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh crud...Day 1

Boot camp - Awww damn it.

Alright folks.  For those of you who do not know by now, I've signed up to do boot camps with Joe and his "Women's Bootcamp Fitness" workouts. 

Let me give you a quick summary of me.  I've always been very athletic growing up, but now that I'm 32 (oh yea, I'm a big girl now!) I've found that it's been VERY difficult for me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  What I mean by that is, I eat fast food, on average, twice a day.  I know, RIDICULOUS.  I also have found that I absolutely HATE going to the gym and working out.  I have the attention span of a three year old and get bored very quickly.  Staring and some chicks' butt bounce up and down on the eliptical machine in front of me at the gym is not my idea of fun.  (I have been known to make exceptions for hot dudes though).

So what to do?  I've joined volleyball leagues throughout the city, but truthfully, playing volleyball for an hour, twice a week ain't doin' JACK to make my booty smaller, no matter how much I love doing it.  I've done every stupid fad diet on earth, Nutrisystem (takes like horses' ass), Master Cleanse (if I ever drink cayenne pepper in a drink again, I will dig my own eyeball out).

Desperate times = desperate measures.  I heard of boot camps through some coworkers, so I pulled up the handy Google tool and got to work.  I found Joe Ramirez and Women's Bootcamp Fitness.  What appealed to me most about this is that it's chicks ONLY!  No flashbacks of going to the gym aka meat market, having to deal with dudes checking me out while my tummy roll is popping up and hitting me in the face.  Who can focus and get work done when creepers are checking out the sweat patch on your butt?  I also hoped that I'd find ladies like me, everyday women, who just want to get in shape and start feeling better about themselves.

Audrey, my home skillet, and I, got in touch with Joe and went for our assessment.  It consisted of the normal taking measurements, bust, waist, booty spread, you know.  He also measured our body fat....SHOCKER!!  So while I knew my body was a mess, the actually reality of it was totally eye opening.  The only thing I could think was...DANG GUUURL!!  What chew been doin?  Ugh.  No wonder I feel like total crap.  I've really been out of control.  Joe also took us through a 30 minute sample workout and this just proved to me that I have completely let my body go.  I could barely hold myself up in a push up position!  Not doing a push up, just holding myself there.  Re-donk-ulous.  Time to work.

Day 1 - Wednesday, October 6

I'd been dreading it the entire day, but 6 pm and my first boot camp finally showed it's ugly face.  There were a total of 8 ladies, Audrey and myself included.  I immediately felt comfortable because looking around, there weren't any waif-thin, super-cut, super model bodies in the bunch. 

Joe and Eric (who has been nicknamed Evil) took us through a tough 45 minute workout.  All the exercises were ones that I was familiar with, that I think most people would be familiar with if they'd ever done any kind of workout. Squats, lunges, pushups, planks, etc.  The interesting thing was the combination of the exercises.  I really felt that my whole body was working equally, instead of Monday being leg day, Wednesday being arms and abs, etc.  I also felt my heart pumping, so I'm pretty sure I was getting my cardio on the entire time.  Lots of stuff done, some team challenges, some outright cardio, which was the only time I actually got pissed off.  They made us do suicides, I totally had flashbacks of my personal Vietnam war and the big 17 and my now broken promise to myself that I'd never do a suicide again in my life.  At the end, we did another cardio set and the very last thing consisted of forward squat jumps for about 10 feet.  I guarantee, you couldn't fit a piece of college ruled paper between my feet and the ground and the first jump I did almost caused me to face plant into the lovely grass.  Grace is my middle name.

Today, I am definitely sore, the fat baby who lives in my stomach is pretty pissed at me and I may need some assistance when I try to sit on the toilet and tinkle.  I have no control of my arms, they're just swinging as they want to, knocking crap over, because I have no muscle control.  It's called jello baby!

Look, I know I sound miserable, and I'm not going to front.  That workout was hard.  But truly, I have to start somewhere.  I've let myself go and the reason why I'm in this position is that I made the decisions to be here.  I could totally blame this on the 24 hour taco stand and the addictive quality of their chorizo breakfast burritos, but seriously, this is 100% on me!

Since Operation Fatty Blaster is 100% on me, I've also made a committment to eat better.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to turn into a health nut who eats fruits and veggies, lean meats and fishies, and just LOVES eating healthy.  HELLLLL to da nah!  You guys know me.  Fat kid food makes me happy, period.  But I'm not 18 anymore and I can't eat that crap four times a day and get away with it.  I would also like to have functional arteries, so I need to ease up.  BTW-I have not had a single fast food meal this whole week!  WORD!!

Anyway, stay tuned kids, first full week of Fatty Blasting starts Monday!  I CAN DO IT!!
