No Mom Bea, this is not directed to you. I'm talking about them luscious chunks of fat that live just beneath my arms and try to make me fly away when I wave at someone. Technically, triceps, but what's the fun in that?
Let me just update you all, I MISSED MONDAY. Yea, I missed my second workout. I'm a loser! But seriously, my sicky bf was super struggling with the flu (and a newly identified ulcer) and so I made the decision to put my fat killer on hold and get the sicky back on track. He's just now finally feeling better. Jeez. Boys and sickness :)
Anywhoooooo.....last night worked the holy pooper out of my wings and my abacus (abs). We got warmed up, did some abs, did some circuits and finished that bitch up! I really liked our Billy Blanks Tae Bo moves, anytime I can yell out "NINJA CHOP" makes a good exercise. And guess what?? NO SUICIDES! I swear I did a freaking jig. Regardless, my crap is sore. My upper abs feel like I got beat up. Know what's cool?? The little fat pieces right above my hips are sore!! Holy crap batman! I don't think I remember what it's like to have muscles there! My wings are pretty sore, as well as that muscle between my neck and shoulders....not sure what those are called. Audrey? A little help please?
And guess what I did when I got home last night?? Honest to freaking God, I went and lifted my shirt up and checked out my tum in the mirror!! Hahahaha it was hilarious, but I SWEAR I saw a break in my keg. SWEAR!
I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but you know that feeling when you are working out, and you are busting your sweet ass and struggling to get it done, but at the same just feels so GOOD to actually be doing something! So while my fat ass is bobbing up and down and I'm trying to dig my big ole granny panties outta my crack...IT FEELS GOOD!!! Other than the chafing : D
I am struggling with my diet, although I've been AMAZING compared to my usual. Chic-fil-of-the-a is just so good! I've only had it once since I started boot camp. For some reason, all of the sudden I've been really short on time to eat for the last week. Still working out my diet. It's October 14 and normally by now, I would have already gone through at least 2 bags of Halloween candy. I haven't even bought any! Dem candy corns been calling my name though!!
Any of you ladies ready to join me and Snoop Audrey Audge yet? Check out GI Joe's website:
Heart all of your gorgeous faces...
Jemper Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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