Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ooooo mama needed that one!

Yo!  I got WORKED last night!  (all you perv-o's, hush it up). 

Last night's workout was AWESOME.  Big E-dawg cardio'd the crap out of us.  I really needed it.  I had been feeling like while I was toning my muscles, I was a little worried that I wasn't doing enough to get my cardio right.  Still sucking air after set 1 of playing vball was not improving.  I'm only doing the boot camp 2 days a week, so I'm also a bit concerned about that.  I need to do boot camp more, but we need to figure out the deets because there are only evening classes on Monday and Friday.  I already know that I can't go to the morning camps.  I can barely get up to get to work by 9 and I'm always the last one in the office.  I would set myself up for failure right from the start.

OK, funny story.  We all know I own a bladder the size of a pea.  Well I seem to have to tinkle right as I get there, no matter if I go before I leave to go workout.  I actually had to leave the park 8 minutes before we were starting, drive to Albertson's, tinkle, then hustle back.  Absolutely ridiculous.  I'm just gonna start using a catheter.

Circuits were set up before we got there, so I was sure we were doing WORK.  Started with warm up, abs, a bunch of other crap that made my body hurt.  Then came the effing suicides.  Seriously?  Why?  They make me wanna die.  Kill myself is more like it.  However, I told myself that no matter how much I hate them, I would not walk.  And I didn't!  Don't get me wrong, I was "running" so slow by the end that I may as well have been walking, but at least I was making the running motion! hahahahaha

Then 2 rounds of circuits.  I did my best and I most definitely got served.

Let me tell you what we did after circuits.  So I'm thinking yippy fricking skippy, we're gonna do some crunches and then it's outskies!  Oh hell no!  E dawg made us go back and do more cardio!  Skip jumps, you know, like you step and jump as high as you can in lay up form.  Seriously, when we started, I was actually jumping, but after like 30 seconds, I'm pretty sure my jump only consisted of my reaching up to my tippy toes and thinking I was coming off the ground.  Then butt kickers, which I've never really understood the reason for, but I can do those.  Then stupid ass squat jumps.  Again, no air between my feet and the ground....but in my head, I was SKYING like Michael Jordan!  Let me provide you with the lyrics that my dear, sweet Audrey starting to sing while we were suffering..ahem ahem...
"Oh somebody kill me please, somebody kill me pleeeeease, I'm on my knees, pretty pretty please, KILL MEE.  I want to die.  Put a bullet in my head!!"

Thank you, I'll be going to American Idol auditions soon.

Anyway, my upper abs and my obliques are on FIRE.  I definitely need a workout that is gonna work my donkey butt and dem big ole legs.  I'm soo ready for that burn!

Joe's having a pumpkin workout this Saturday morning.  Please check out his website at  If I read it correctly, I believe there is no cost, you just have to provide a canned food item for care and share.  You also need to bring a pumpkin.  Audrey said you can use her head as a pumpkin if you'd like :).

Love you guys!  I also see my baby cousin in San Diego is a follower.  What up Youri?!  Love ya cuz!


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